South Jetty Venice

South Jetty Venice  South Jetty Venice

The “Jetties” – South Jetty and North Jetty – are 2 long breakwaters at the Northern end of Venice Island. They are the extension of the Intracoastal Waterway, that seperates Venice from the main land and creates the Isle of Venice.

Humphries Park

South Jetty with the adjoining Humphries Park is especially at evenings a popular meeting point. Dolphins and Manatees are common, even the fishermen have their own value of entertainment. The sunsets are spectacular. During cold weather, there is the comfortable choice of staying in the car. Of course parking is free – like almost everywhere in Sarasota County.

There are restrooms, enough benches and even a small kiosk – “Jetty Jacks” – where you can buy sodas, icecream and small snacks. The ongoing boat traffic – into the open ocean or coming back – is always interesting to watch and especially for kids a true highlight.

A little bit hidden there is an access to the beach that extends to the South and invites to a walk to Venice Beach.

Etwas versteckt gibt es einen Zugang zum Sandstrand, der sich Richtung Süden erstreckt und von dem aus man zum Venice Beach laufen kann.

Website for Info here.