We love Florida and its wonderful nature – that’s why at Villa Happy Gator we want to do our utmost to ensure that our precious nature is as little affected as possible by our house and its care.
Our technical equipment is up to date and regularly maintained by specialist companies. Thus, the air conditioning works very economical and effective while maintaining high comfort. Our pool is a saltwater pool and therefore usually comes without any chlorine addition. The result is crystal clear water, which is good to the eyes and skin with a pleasant smell.
Pest Control is indispensable in the warm humid climate of Florida. But there are gentle methods that are good for the environment and for humans. We chose a system that even carries the USDA Organic label: “The Sentinel” – small, green containers that are placed around the house to form a protective barrier. Only in very rare situations, something stronger has to be used.
Our lawn is free from regular pesticide spraying. The lively vegetation attracts many colorful birds that we have here in South Venice.
Garden, walk- and driveways are kept clean by hand. In cooperation with our gardener we are in the process of testing an ecological weed killer to reduce the effort a bit.
Our cleaning team also is very sensitive. Vinegar and soda are common companions when cleaning.
Sarasota County is top in recycling. Paper and plastic are collected separately. Our guests will find sufficient containers as well as detailed instructions for the correct sorting.
The city of Venice and Sarasota County have recently adopted ambitious plans to reduce their impact on the environment, which we support.
In addition, we examine promising ecological projects in the area, whether we decide to sponsor them. We are always looking for new ideas to make Villa Happy Gator even greener. We thank our guests that have been very supportive and appreciate our efforts.